Begin Your Journey To Success

How To Build Strategic Business Partnerships

Today we will be focusing on how to attract Small Business Owners or, as I like to call them, Professional Strategic Business Partners into your business. This is one of my favorite subjects. It is important to remember that business is more than just sales, it is a relationship. It is the bond that we build with other people. Creating strategic partnerships with other business professionals will have a major impact on your business and take it to the next level. The great thing about the resources we have today is that we can not only build re…

How To Build Your Brand Networking Locally

Building your brand through local networking can really take your business to the next level. It takes some work, but it’s calculated work so you are working smarter, not harder. The key is consistency. Here are some of the principles that have really helped me build momentum networking locally. Have A Positive Mindset It sounds easy, but it can be a challenge. People gravitate towards a positive energy in the room, and you want them to think of you that way. You may be familiar with the term time or energy vampire, and we probabl…

Top 5 Book Recommendations For Small Business Owners

Everyone wants to achieve more success and better results in all areas of their life. The hardest part to create that is forming new habits and living outside your current comfort zone. Some would say raising your lid! If you aren’t familiar with that phrase you will definitely want to read John C. Maxwell’s 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership.  To arm yourself mentally and start forming those success habits as a small business owner, you will need a steady dose of personal development. My mentor has always told me that reading or listening …

What Is Holding You Back From Success

What Is Your What? A lot of people focus on the why. Why am I motivated to change my life? The why is so important because it is the why that keeps us working towards our goal every day, but today we are talking about the what. What is holding you back from that success? It could be a lot of different outside factors or it could be something more personal. You could actually be holding yourself back. Sometimes it is not about having the knowledge of what is necessary to become successful, but about how you are implementing that knowledge in…

Mastermind Training Calls

Catch up on our Mastermind Training Call recordings.

Team Training Calls

Catch up on our Vollara Team Training Call recordings.