A book a month plus a bonus read! As the National Trainer for Vollara and a top leader for my 18-year career, I can share this message with confidence. In the next year, if you follow the Success Cycle Plan consistently (read The Compound Effect) and read all these books, it will be nearly impossible for you not to create some level of success in our company. I cannot help but think of the phrase Mr. Jackson has quoted to me so many times, “Robia! Things that are easy to do, are easy not to do!” That quote fits perfectly in so many areas of life, but especially the formula that helped me create success in my business. CONSISTENTLY on a daily basis, introduce people to our amazing products and wonderful opportunity and consistently work on myself through personal development by reading at least 15 minutes a day!

Take the challenge and follow up with me. After a committed year of daily prospecting (the way Jeb teaches in Fanatical Prospecting) and reading the books on this list, let me know if you are not miles and years ahead of where you began the journey in life and in your business. You can do it! Do not allow your future self to be disappointed, but instead, let that meeting be a celebration.

Top 12 Must-Read Books For Business Owners

*Disclosure: I only recommend products I have used myself and all opinions expressed here are my own. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases at no additional cost to you.

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